How to Edit an Existing Email Campaign in B2B Hub

Managing email campaigns is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and sometimes, you need to make changes on the fly. This tutorial will guide you through the step-by-step process of editing an existing email campaign. Whether you need to update content, adjust settings, or refine your campaign strategy, we'll cover it all.

Step 1: Accessing Your Campaigns

  • Start by logging into your account and accessing the campaign dashboard.

  • In the bottom left-hand corner, you'll find a menu option labeled "Campaigns." Click on it to proceed.

Step 2: Viewing Your Campaigns

  • Once you're on the campaigns page, you'll see a list of the campaigns you have created.
  • Locate the campaign you want to edit from the list. In this example, there are two campaigns displayed.

Step 3: Opening the Campaign

  • To edit a specific campaign, hover your mouse over the campaign you wish to edit.
  • Look for three dots on the right-hand side of the campaign entry and click on them. This will open up the campaign details.

Step 4: Editing the Campaign

  • Inside the campaign details, you will find various elements and steps of your campaign.
  • To edit a particular step, hover your mouse over it.
  • If you want to make changes to an email within the campaign, locate the email step and click on the "Edit" button associated with it.

PRO TIP: You can also edit the delay, tags, tasks, milestone steps in the campaign by hovering your mouse on each step and clicking the "Edit" icon.

Step 5: Making Edits

  • After clicking "Edit" for the email step, you'll be able to make your desired changes.
  • Modify the content, subject, or any other details as needed.

  • Once you've made your edits, scroll down to review the changes.

Step 6: Saving Changes

  • Don't forget to save your changes. Look for the "Save Changes" button and click on it to confirm your edits.

Step 7: Finalizing Edits

  • To complete the editing process, click the "Save" button located on the top right-hand side of the campaign details page.