How to Create a Countdown Email Campaign for your Bookings

Use the steps in this article to create a countdown email campaign for your bookings.

PART 1: First, you need to create a Campaign.

Go to the Admin Panel in B2BDash


Create a Campaign and select Booking under Email Automation > Save Campaign


Click Add a New Step To This Campaign


Type a name for your  Campaign and click Save.

Once the Step has been created, click on the Cog Icon on the right.


On the settings section, you have the 4 options:

  • A. STEP SETTINGS - this determines the preset time you'd like the step to start. In the case of setting a booking reminder, it's best to select time based on how often you'd like to remind your lead about the meeting.
  • B. EMAILS - this determines any email that you'd like to be sent. You can select from templates.
  • C. TASKS - this allows you to set tasks and assign them to specific people in your organisation.
  • D. TAGS - add tags automatically when this step is reached. 

A. Step Settings

Select the delay when you'd like the step to commence:

Select the criteria when the step starts (Booking Starts, Booking Ends, Booking was made).

Click the Update Step button once you're done.

B. Emails

Here you'll select the email you'd like to be sent. Click on Add New Email to load the Email Editor panel.

Here you can compose the email. Or if you have a saved template, you can choose it on the Email template selector on the lower right part of the page.  

C. Tasks

You can add a Task when the step is reached. You can select the Type of Task and who's it assigned to:

Don't forget to save task 

D. Tags

PART 2: Once you're done with the Campaign. Go to your Booking Settings. 


Login to B2BDash and Go to your Admin Panel.


Select the Booking you'd like to add a campaign to.


Click Settings and go to Start Campaigns and add the Booking Countdown Campaign you added.

Click Save + Exit once you're done