How to Copy your B2B Dash Form URL and post it on LinkedIn
1 Navigate to
2 Login to your B2B Dash Account
3 Click "Forms"
4 Navigate to your form's Live URL Button (on the right side) and Copy the URL of your Live Form
5 Navigate to your form's Live URL Button (on the right side) and Copy the URL of your Live Form
6 Copy the URL of the Form at the top
7 Go to your LinkedIn account or other platform where you want to share the form and create a post
8 Add an image (preferably the form banner you had or any image that's related to your lead capture form
9 Add a short description/outcome on your post and don't forget to paste the B2B Dash form URL in the post.
10 Click Post to deploy it
You can use the same process on different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or X.